Make a statement, with little effort, that parents are sure to remember.
During these uncertain times, many moms and dads are turning to nature while they’re staying at home right now. Gardening is especially rewarding in that it makes the gardener feel good, mentally and physically, and the outdoors look great! As an extra bonus, low-maintenance plants (like flower bulbs), that are easy to care for, are perfect for when busy lives resume.
Be a superhero by gifting your garden-loving loved one a Power Planter auger for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. Add some flower bulbs to go along to highlight their unique personalities, there are so many to choose from. Tall and vibrant, classic beauties, fragrant blooms are just a few. This combo gift is sure to brighten their special days and for seasons to come.
Spring-planted bulbs will burst with beautiful summer blooms that are perfect for bouquets, making a statement with little effort that parents are sure to remember.
Plant Summer Bulbs in 6 Simple (Powerful) Steps:
- Select where to plant bulbs so they’ll get the right amount of sun. Choose a place where they won’t be accidentally dug up, such as under a tree, in a lawn or in a perennial bed.
- Pick out plants! Visit a local garden center to choose spring-planted bulbs if you’re able to or order online.
- If it’s about 60°F outside, then it’s warm enough to plant summer bulbs. Plant bulbs using a Power Planter bulb auger to drill holes in all types of soil to the depth indicated on the bulb package. The bulb auger is easy to use and fits into most cordless or electric drills– just tighten the drill chuck to secure the auger and start planting.
- Before inserting bulbs, sprinkle some bulb fertilizer in the planting hole to give bulbs the nutrients they need.
- Replace the soil, gently pressing it down and water newly planted bulbs.
- Cover bulbs with a 2-3” layer of mulch to keep moisture in and weeds out.
Tip: Once bulbs have bloomed, remove the faded flowers but leave the foliage. The bulbs will use the foliage to store energy for next year.
You or a loved one have bigger planting projects? Check out our full line of Power Planters.